Hi, I'm Peter Till!

An enthusiastic software developer from Hungary


About Me

It's fitting that you know who I really am. I'm trying to describe my early years as a software developer and where I am now. I don't like writing long novels, so you can find more important information further down this page.
Hi! Let me introduce myself! My name is Peter Till and I am a Hungarian software developer. Currently, I still write software as a hobby. I first encountered software development when I read that Facebook was also written in PHP. I even created my own social media page, with almost 0 knowledge, but over time I gained more and more useful knowledge. After that, I started learning other programming languages, such as C# and Python. I wrote some programs to automate simpler operations, and I started delving into different programming languages ​​and technologies. I also coded a few things for my friends. One of my projects was a Discord bot for our community that had a points system, dungeon commands, and a lot of important features needed for an RPG. Recently, I have also started developing mobile applications and machine learning models. I created CodersCoin, a cryptocurrency within Github for developers only. I still had a lot of projects, because I always have the desire to create something new and fantastic and naturally improve in the process. Obviously I won't describe them, because my introduction would be long, but my larger projects are on my portfolio page, in the projects section. I am now a pro at many things, although I still have room for improvement.

What do I actually create

During my projects, I used a lot of technologies and frameworks, so I gained a lot of experience in software development, on almost every platform and branch. I have mainly been dealing with these recently:


  • Java
  • Firebase
  • Android Studio


  • C# (.NET framework)
  • Firebase
  • API requests


  • Crawling
  • Custom API endpoints
  • Automatization with crawling


  • Linear regression
  • Image classification


  • Backend with PHP or Node.js
  • Frontend development


  • Blockchain development
  • ERC20 tokens
  • ETH smart contracts

My projects

I constantly like to try new frameworks or technologies, so I'm working on something every second. These are my bigger or more famous projects that I created in my spare time. Some of my projects have developed their own user base and community, which gives me great pleasure. I always like to create some useful software.

CodersCoin Unfinished

CodersCoin is a unique and completely proprietary blockchain and cryptocurrency technology developed by Peter Till. CodersCoin serves as a kind of reputation and credit for programmers, designers, and computer enthusiasts.


FocusMode is a powerful productivity tool made by Peter Till, that allows you to create custom modes such as study and work and block disruptive websites in those modes. Simply add the websites you want to block to each mode.


JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures


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Responsive Web Design


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The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Erat netus est hendrerit, nullam et quis ad cras porttitor iaculis. Bibendum vulputate cras aenean.

English, level B2

I passed a complex B2 level Origo English language exam as a native Hungarian speaker

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I've already worked with a few people and asked them for their input. I have also asked some of my software users or friends that I've worked with on a cool project. Their feedback means a lot to me.

Amazing and easy to work with



Indeed he is good. I worked with him

John Smith

Erat netus

Nisi sit justo faucibus nec ornare amet, tortor torquent. Blandit class dapibus, aliquet morbi.

John Smith

Erat netus


Curae hendrerit donec commodo hendrerit egestas tempus, turpis facilisis nostra nunc. Vestibulum dui eget ultrices.

Python for Beginners


The basics of hacking & cybersecurity


The basics of Java programming


Contact me

Curae hendrerit donec commodo hendrerit egestas tempus, turpis facilisis nostra nunc. Vestibulum dui eget ultrices.







